Jody Holmes
Founder and President. Jody wants to help others realize their potential so they can contribute to their best ability to sustainable development projects. "Alone I can do very little. But together, we can change the world."
~ Jody Holmes
Margaret Jackson
Volunteer Director: Margaret is very passionate about improving her local community. She works very hard to help people of all ages get access to opportunities that will make their lives better. Her passion and dedication towards improving her community is truly inspirational.
Catharine Kendall
Volunteer Director: Catharine Kendall is passionately committed to community in general and children in particular. Cat is self-employed as a Community Development Consultant and is very active in her local and provincial community as Vice President of the Eaglet Lake Farmers’ Institute, Executive Director of Connaught Youth Centre Society and as Director of the We Can BC Society. Cat brings a unique “big picture” grassroots perspective to her Global Neighbourhood Network coordinator role in Prince George, BC.
Gladys Holmes
Volunteer Secretary/Treasurer and volunteer support: Gladys wants to help the less fortunate have opportunities to improve their lives.
Maria Orcherton
Volunteer Director: Maria is a dedicated professional social worker who works hard to improve the lives of others in her community. She was born and raised in Peru and has a sincere appreciation for life.
Michelle Miller
Vice President: Michelle is very passionate about gardening and creating awareness about environmental issues. She has completed a Master Gardener program and enjoys both learning about gardening and teaching others.