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Help Protect and Preserve Humanity and Our Planet. For now, and for the generations after us.


Connecting Communities is a non-profit organization that is committed to creating positive change in the world. By initiating local projects in communities, citizens will come together and work towards common goals. Building cohesive communities will improve social issues and increase awareness about environmental concerns.


The primary goal of Connecting Communities is to increase the rate of sustainable development. Educating the public about social and environmental issues is the first step towards a peaceful and sustainable future. We want to create a global 'think tank'. A worldwide community that discusses problems, shares ideas, and creates solutions.

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Connecting Communities is a volunteer driven organization. 100% of personal donations will go towards community projects. Our plan is to develop new projects or participate in established projects that are relevant to the main goals of the organization.

Get Involved

There will be many opportunites for people to get involved in Connecting Communities projects. We encourage people to volunteer their time towards projects that they feel strongly about. We also graciously accept monetary or in-kind donations that we can put directly towards projects.

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